Parish Clergy
Fr. George Kolios < Farthest to the left
Fr. George Kolios < 2nd row 3rd from left
Voice: (516) 783-5760
Rev. Father George Kolios, Presiding Priest
Fr. George Kolios was born in Greece in 1979. He graduated with Bachelor Degree from the Faculty of Theology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
After he went to Rome, Italy, and received a scholarship from the Vatican graduating the Faculty of Classical and Christian Letters from the Salesian University.
In 2008 he received his Master in the field of Christian Education of Children from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In the meantime he attended the Seminary for Ecumenical Relations at the Catholic Institute in Paris. In 2012 he was ordained into the Deaconate and in 2016 into Priesthood by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America. He served as a priest at the Church of St. George and Demetrios in Manhattan, NY and in 2018 he has been assigned to the Church of St. Markella in Wantagh, NY.
Previously he had worked for 5 years with the Archbishop Hieronymus of Athens and all Greece and as a Secretary of the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek
Orthodox Archdiocese of America. He is married with Presvytera Ivana and has one son, David.
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Saturday of Prodigal Son
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